ESC-640HALW Multi-Spectral Image Acquisition Module

ESC-640HALW Multi-Spectral Image Acquisition Module

ES, a leading global manufacturer of innovative thermal imaging infrared cameras, is launching one new product – the ESC-640HALW Multi-Spectral Image Acquisition Module in October 2016.

ESC-640HALW and ESC-640-EGLW and ESC-640EGLW have used its vast customer experience to answer specific application requirements, such as: ultra low power consumption, very wide input voltage, extremely short time to image and built in parallel & anlog video outputs. ESC-640xxxx’s state of the art image processing capabilities have allowed the development of superior high-end algorithms including NUCs and bad pixel replacement algorithms operations. ESC-640xxxx is an advanced, versatile, modular platform that supports a variety of cooled detectors(MCT), including 16μm / 24μm detectors technology. It consist of standard cooled detector and ES IP (ZYNQ) of Multi-Spectral Image Processing Software, which is integrated ES (Elcarim Science) Know-How on electrical hardware FPGA, and link to stand multi-spectral (long wave) cooled detector (Selex-ES’s HARRIER 640 × 512 Long Wave, or EAGLE 640 × 512 Middle Wave).