What can ES build for you?
- Customs electro optical engine core and camera
- Multispectral camera
- Expertise in SWIR, MWIR, LWIR
- Architectures optimized for optronics reconnaissance or detection
- Rapid prototyping on various field of view or waveband infrared camera
- Multiple modalities and flexible spectral resolution
- Optical power and direct/diffuse measurements across multiple modalities
- Field and flight test support
- Custom data acquisition and collaboration is available
- Multi object detection, recognition, and tracking
- Low signal to noise acquisition and tracking
- Vehicle and pedestrian collision avoidance
- Orbital debris detection in ground based sensor imagery
- Processing of satellite imagery
- Multiple modalities fusion algorithms
- Multiple data products from sensors
The power of Thermal Imager:
Threat detection and Navigation and Recognition
The power of Thermal imager is a property of heat that detects more information than the traditional intensity visible sensing. By measuring or more methods on imaging processing field, details can be extracted from a scene that is not readily apparent when using visible imagers. Thermal imager has provided vast improvements in mission critical target detection and surveillance for defense, civil etc.
ES strives to provide quality products and solutions back by our full service support. We invest in research and development to provide more advance solutions to give our client better leverage and market opportunities.