H360DN 360° Day & Night Security System

H360DN 360° Day & Night Security System


The ES H360DN is a fully digital, llightweight multi-sensor imaging system designed to provide exceptional area security with detection capabilities for Extreme Conditions and offers persistent monitoring. The systems electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) Sensors and high-definition (HD) visible camera are integrated in a 2-axis stabilized PTZ Dome assembly to provide unparalleled image stability.
The ES H360DN incorporates a proprietary high-performance image sensor, HD video processor and power conditioning unit. With a Personal Computer interface, this unit allows simplified user input, control and monitoring of all system features. With the systems continuous zoom capabilities and unmatched stabilization, the H360DN delivers precision imagery for area monitoring.
ES designs and manufactures a full portfolio of high-performance electro-optical infrared monitoring systems. ES Technologies is a provider of end-to-end solutions in Digital Electronic Intelligent Surveillance and monitoring System.